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tv   The Journal Editorial Report  FOX News  February 25, 2012 11:00am-11:30am PST

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>> this week on the journal editorial report. the republican presidential candidates square off ahead of key contests in arizona and michigan. who is up, who is down and who has the momentum going forward? plus, social issues and the santorum surge. they've helped propel him to the top of the republican field, but could they hurt the party in the fall campaign? and mitt romney shakes up the tax reform debate. could his new plan be a game changer in the primary fight and beyond? welcome to the journal, editorial report. i'm paul gigot. with polls tightening ahead of the contest in michigan and
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arizona frontrunners, mitt romney and rick santorum squared off in the primary's 20th presidential debate. trading jabs on everything from romney care to earmarks. >> so the idea that somehow earmarks during the time that i was in congress were this thing that drove up spending in washington d.c., if you actually look at it as i've said before as a percentage gdp. the debt went down. what happened, there was abuse. >> while i was fighting to save the olympics, you were fighting to save the bridge to nowhere. >> joining the panel this week, the wall street journal columnist and editor, dan henninger, and jason riley assistant editorial page editor and freeman and washington columnist kim strassel. one of the big stories, romney has been attacking rick santorum on his senate voting record. he was a two term senator from pennsylvania. how big of a vulnerability is
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that record? >> it's a big one. one one of the realities, paul, a lot of the house members do not go on and win presidential nominations and it's because they have those records. what mr. romney has been doing very effectively is taking those 16 years of votes that mr. santorum has and using it to undermine his argument he's the real conservative in this race and painting him as a bush era big spender, and mr. santorum didn't necessarily needed to in the debate to disabuse voters of the idea. >> a very smart strategy on the part of romney. rick santorum was in the leadership and the senate, probably regrets it now, but he was in the leadership. and he does bear some responsibility for that spending and the romney campaign determined that part of the santorum surge is fueled by the tea party which cares about spending and ear marks and the attacks have been effective. >> paul: what about his argument on earmarks it's right for congress to assert itself and have the power of the purse after all.
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rather than let the president just say i'm going to dictate policy, he's saying sometimes we have to overturn the president's priorities because he's wrong. he's right about that, and he's also right about just not being where the money is, which is entitlement spending. >> okay, but then why does that-- >> and it's about in what sense? >> but the point is, you guys are making a better argument in his defense than he made in his defense. in other words, i was struck that professional politician like rick santorum wasn't better prepared for an obvious attack, that was going to come on ear marks and no child left behind, i took one for the team. and rick santorum has a reputation for winging it and he winged it that night and he got damaged as a result. >> paul: i would say, james, another point, he sounded like a congressional-- a member of congress and he's running for the office of the president executive. he when you talk about the legislative process and title 9 and 1020 and title 30 and 40. people their eyes glazed over, i get it, a legislator.
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>> and the legislative language he didn't need in there, but i actually thought he did better than most people thought. in terms of, yes, he acknowledged he was a distributor of ear marks, but i think he showed that mr. romney was an accepter of earmarks. might have neutralized it. for the point of tea partiers looking at this. the choice is basically santorum or romney. santorum you had in the senate and house, a reliable vote to cut taxes and pretty good spending record at least in the context of republicans in the senate. better than most of them. >> paul: kim, what is this debate over santorum's votes? tell us what the republican primary voters think of the bush record. those santorum votes taken were when president bush was president and often on his agenda and romney was attacking him on no child left behind, or i guess ron paul was attacking him on that. he's vulnerable to me, seems to me, romney thinks he's vulnerable on the bush agenda. >> and it's interesting turn
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of events and appears to be toxic to have been a member during the middle and end bush years. when they were thrown out of congress in 2006 and an incredible feeling among voters out there that they had lost their vision for why they'd gone to washington. forgot about reforming and all about earmarks and spending and why mr. santorum is so vulnerable on this issue. and it was because of a lot of the tea party's angst and the rise of the tea party is actually cleaning house within the g.o.p. so you don't want to be saeshd in that regard. >> and you're making a judgment on santorum versus the alternative. so, to make the judgment that santorum is unacceptable, you have to say that if mitt romney had been in the congress at that time, he would have been the hard core tea party guy and i think his record in massachusetts doesn't lead to you that conclusion. >> all right, let's look at another exchange on that record in massachusetts. >> arlen specker, the pro choice senator of pennsylvania
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that you supported and endorsed in a race over pat tomby, he voted for obamacare. if you had not supported him. said no to arlen specter we would not have obamacare, don't look at me, look in the mirror. >> okay, governor, let's get this straight. first off, number one, you funded romney care through federal tax dollars through medicaid. the bottom line is, what you did, was you used federal dollars to fund a government takeover of health care in massachusetts. and then barack obama used it as a model for taking over this health care system in america. why i supported arlen specter. >> that's the only real punch that got thrown on romney care. why so little, since it was such a strength for santorum in previous debates? >> well, that's true. i think what we've done now has proven conclusively, rick santorum and mitt romney completely violated their conservative prince and on that basis do not deserve the support of any conservative voters, so, i think now we're left with what? ron paul? >> well. >> we're talking ourselves
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totally out of the election. >> paul: but santorum was on defense for most of the debate and he's been on debate. and romney is pounding him in the airwaves, on the-- >> totally reductive. >> much of the night explaining why he voted for things he doesn't believe in. the big thing for romney latest in nbc polls shows romney up in michigan by 2 points, within the margin of error, but he had been down in more recent polls, he so, i think right now, mitt romney has the momentum in michigan. >> paul: all right, newt gingrich by all accounts, dan, did pretty well in the debate. does he have a chance for a third resurrection? >> i doubt it. i have to say i kind of admire him for trying to stay positive and focusing on the substance of the case against barack obama, because ultimately, these others, when they're finished slashing one another are going to have to make a case against the president and i admire gingrich for trying to keep that subject on the table. >> paul: not going to win michigan or arizona, but he's got to win georgia, tennessee
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the following week if he wants to stay in this. when we come back, social issues and the santorum surge. his conservative stance helped propel him to the top, the republican primary, would they hurt him in a general election? we'll have a little debate ahead. vitafusion multivites: the adult gummy vitamin with the taste and nutrition that just might inspire a little "healthy" competition. [ laughing ] enjoy your gummy vitamins. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. for half the calories plus veggie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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>> there are bigger problems at stake in america and someone is going to go out there, i will and talk about the thing. now what? here is the the difference shall the left gets upset. look it i'm talking about the things and the difference between me and the left and they don't get this, just because i'm talking about it doesn't mean i want a government program to fix it. that's what they do, that's not what we do. >> paul: that was rick santorum at this week's debate responding to a question on contraception. throughout his career, the former pennsylvania senator has been outspokesen on that controversial topic and others, including gay marriage and the role of women in the work force.
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would his stance on these social issues help or hurt him in a general election campaign. jays, what do you think, help or hurt nim in a general. >> that's a nice applause line we've heard and keep them separate. he said in the past when he led the jfc speech on separation of church and state, he almost, quote, threw up. the question will independent voters, swing voters believe him when he says these things. rick santorum does well among people who vote republican no matter who the nominee is. the problem is those people are probably not going to decide the election in the fall and the question is, who does best among the swing voters, among women and independent voters? that's where the question is in terms of rick santorum's viability. >> his views on gay marriage, for example, are the same as the view that barack obama has, and views on-- >> social conservativism per se, how he wears it. >> what do you mean? >> his views are not that different from george w. bush.
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>> that he's almost indistinguishable. >> he he's much more up front and in your face about these things. something about gay relations and compared to bestiality and women's role in the workplace. republicans i should say do well with married women. contraception is a normal part of married women's lives today and the idea that he's out there yammering on about it i don't think sits well with them. >> paul: if the administration picks a fight forcing the catholics church to pay for contraception, don't republicans need to speak up against that? >> right, and i think when he was making reference to the kennedy speech, he is among those who think that religion out to be allowed in the public square and specifically, the issue on the table, not just contraception of course, it's sterilization and even more a question of whether the government can dictate to religious organizations, extending that it violates their conscience. and i think in that, he's not only very much in the traditional american mainstream, but most voters
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would say, they don't like obamacare. they don't like government dictating all of these kind of decisions. >> what about jason's point about presentation and tone? that there's a kind of censorious or moral way that he presents them that is off putting. even to traditional moralists and particularly women. >> i think he should focus on economics, a lot of the speeches are economics. he tends to respond to social issues when asked. >> that's the way that he feels right here. >> he does feel it. but my point, i think he has a great story to tell about economics that i think a lot of women voters would like. but even when he does address the social issues, it's the idea that it's a big turnoff to american voters is largely, it's an idea that has more currency in the media circles that we travel in than among actual voters. it's the argument for romney is that he's going to reduce the margin of defeat in new york and california, that's
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not really relevant. the issue is, for voters in midwest swing states, virginia, is it going to turn them off? i think history says no, social conservativism doesn't turn them off. >> let's get our conservative mother in here, kim. what about, where do you come down on this? >> well, this is about delivery. look, republicans do best when they are talking about their own values, but when they are saying, we're not going to let liberals impose their viewpoints on americans, soccers we don't want the federal government telling the catholic church what it has to pay for. we don't want courts imposing gay marriage and protect your liberty in that regard. where they get this trouble is when they begin telling americans how to live their lives and when he they leave americans with the impression they might actually impose their own world view on americans and this is one of the-- rick santorum's liabilities in this race. >> paul: you know, that jeff felt, the social thinker has argued that since 1968 when social issues came to the fore, in national politics,
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with the vietnam war and cultural revolution, all of that. the republicans have done much better. seven of 11 presidential races they've won where they lost most of them before that in the pre-cultural issues era. and doesn't he have a point? >> he has a point. but all presidential elections are not alike. this presidential election is about barack obama's stewardship of the american economy. it's not about this stuff. and the republican candidate who can best criticize obama's stewardship for the economy and alternative alternative is the one who's going to win. >> you think beyond that, i think you realize when you look at santorum, if he's saying parents ought to spend more time with their kids and he said this with moms and dads spend more time with their kids, he's not regulating it. at the end of the day, you've got to ask yourself. what allows you more freedom to live the life you want to leave. the barack obama plan or santorum at 18%? and i think people who aren't
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religious will from the-- >> james, last word, i'm afraid. when we come back, mitt romney's tax reboot. his new plan has the potential to be a game changer, can he sell it without apologizing for it? ok, guys-- what's next ? chocolate lemonade ? susie's lemonade... the movie. or... we make it pink ! with these 4g lte tablets, you can do business at lightning-fast spes. we'll take all the strawberries, dave. you got it, kid. we have a winner. we're definitely gonna need another one.
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>> mitt romney jumped head first into the tax reform debate this week, unveiling a new plan that includes 20% across the board cut in income tax rate. how does it stack up against the plans of his rivals and can he sell it without apologizing for it it? and you've heard him get in the tax reform he debate. he's done it, will it help him? >> very good. i think it will help him enormously. it distinguishes him from
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precisely the center of this election. one idea of the economy. the new plan which he proposed 20% across the board tax cut. allows mitt romney to start talking about the appropriate way to use the tax system and capital, and productivity in the united states. obama is proposing by and large tax increases which reflect an entirely different view of the way the economy should function in the country. so, it really gives romney a springboard and a platform. >> why did he do it? why change? >> i think he felt he had to to hold off the santorum challenge. >> to appeal to conservative voters, but the good news for him is, for mitt romney is that if he wins this nomination, he now has an argument to make this fall, other than look at my biography, i'm a smart business guy, i'll take care of everything. but it's great for the country to have economic growth now front and center in the campaign debate. >> paul: an advisor-- a campaign advisor doltold us, e
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did it romney was persuaded, income comes from not just not corporations, small businesses, sub chapter s companies that report to the individual tax base, and obama is proposing to raise taxes on those businesses up to 41%. >> yeah. >> when current tax rates expire. big contrast between 41 and-- >> obama's proposing to essentially raise taxes on the u.s. multinationals, which won't help. one thing i am he' worried about, paul, here, how strongly, romney's going to run on this tax, when he barely mentioned it at the debate the other night, that's not a good sign. >> paul: really, you're not convinced he's-- isn't he committed now, once you propose is, if you don't, if you don't defend it you look silly. >> there's no turning back, but he did say the day after he proposed it or the same day in response to questions does this favor the rich. he said don't worry, we'll
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have the deductions and they're not going to get a break. a lower rate system with lower deductions is great, but if this is his opening bid. there's a concern that you don't want him giving away too much. if he does feel he has to apologize for anything that might help someone who successful. >> paul: you're saying he can't be a guilty capitalist and win this argument. >> that's right, he's got to push it hard and i think that's one thing now for the republican primary vote,to decide. how much conviction is there behind this plan, which is a good one? >> kim, how does it compare to santorum's plan? will it help him among republican primary votes? >> it's remarkable. mitt romney has gone from the laggard of the field to getting to the the front. this is a good plan. one thing that's nice about it, from a purely economic standpoint much more clean than the santorum plan which also does lower rates to the same level, but has a lot of social and industrial policy in it, in that it has this zero percent manufacturing rate and it also has, you
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know, tripling the child tax credit and it adds to the deductions, so in that regard, the romney plan is cleaner and he should be able to pop that up on the field. >> it's not as good as gingrich and santorum the amount of resources the government will be taking. >> gingrich proposes a 15-- >> gingrich, i would have to say the most pro growth tax rate out there and santorum, a weird thing he's favoring manufacturing, not good, but cuts the corporate rate for else in half and cuts individual rates and government taking 18% of gdp and romney looking-- not a small government plan, but definitely with-- >> i give romney for not favoring districts. it's easy and what obama does and santorum wants to do and he says no. >> i think it puts all three candidates on the right side of the tax rate and indeed
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serious bipartisan people, simpson bowles, they all want to go in this direction. obama is the outliar. >> okay, we have to take one more break. when we come back, our hits and misses of the week. h pain, do you want fast relief? try bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles so it enters the bloodstream fast and rushes relief to the site of your tough pain. it's proven to relieve pain twice as fast as before. bayer advanced aspirin. the new spark card from capital one. spark miles gives me the most rewards of any small business credit card. the spark card earns double miles... so we really had to up our game. with spark, the boss earns double miles on every rchase, every day. that's setting the bar pretty high. owning my own business has never been more rewarding.
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>> time now for our hits and misses of the week. dan, first to you. >> the first hit to the chicago school board, it might be a miracle. the chicago school board voted wednesday to close five schools, fire the teachers at ten schools and allow them to reapply and six schools are going to be turned over to the academy for urban school leadership, a nonprofit that's had a lot of success. this is a huge achievement for the rookie mayor rahm emanuel who was barack obama's former chief of staff and they did it over the opposition of the unions, a very positive sign for school reform. >> terrific, jason, a hit to the supreme court, agreeing this week to hear a racial preference in the case of involving the university of texas. these policies all make a
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mockery of the confusion, equal protection clause and the 1964 civil rights act which bans discrimination and hope the justices put it end to it. >> paul: all right. james. >> this is a miss to john corzine, a former new jersey democratic governor and former ceo brokerage of mf global. here we are four months after the bankruptcy and customers have not told where their 1.6 billion dollars are and now, we hear that after mr. corzine testified in december that an employee told him, it was okay to send money to a london bank account, because it wasn't customer funds, that same employee apparently wouldn't assure other people of that fact. so, a the lot of questions still remaining. mr. corzine should answer. >> paul: jason, what's your betting on the supreme court case? are they going to overturn racial preferences? >> i think a majority of the court will limit them significantly, if not overturn them altogether. >> paul: okay, remember, if you have your own hit or miss, send it to us at ge


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